JGU’s Main Activities

Within four thematic areas, JGU is continuously working on new measures to steadily improve the working conditions for its researchers. In recent years, some measures and individual steps have already been implemented. Read on to get an impression of what is in progress and what has already been achieved.

Good Practice in Research, Ethical and Professional Aspects

Current Implementation Measures

“Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz is committed to the principles of academic integrity.” (Mission Statement of JGU, page 5). Within the scope of this mission statement a new set of guidelines for academic integrity (only available in German) to prevent research misconduct was developed. Further information about academic integrity at JGU can be found here (only available in German). Additionally, JGU has an ombudsperson who advises all persons involved in a process of scientific misconduct through no fault of their own, with regard to safeguarding their personal and scientific integrity.

New statutes for academic integrity are currently under revision.

An Information Strategy for Third-Party Funding will ensure that researchers are informed about their rights and responsibilities in specific, non-standard funding lines. Guidelines for EU-funded projects in HORIZON EUROPE are being updated. Members of the JGU can find regular training sessions on research funding and grant implementation in the continuing education portal.

By developing a Transfer strategy, JGU will identify additional opportunities for knowledge and technology transfer and improve awareness for transfer in all areas of research and academic activity.

JGU has established a Doctoral Student Representation which will facilitate doctoral student`s participation in decision making processes at JGU


In 2016, JGU’s transfer activities were audited. This Transfer Audit helped systemize opportunities for knowledge and technology transfer and provides the basis for developing an institutional Transfer Strategy.


Current Implementation Measures

The development of the research and teaching profile depends on the profile of female researchers and teachers. This makes the appointment of professors a central process for the strategic development of the university. As a first step JGU startet a pilot project in the Faculty of Biology to develop process, quality and welcome culture; this project is completed, reviewed and evaluated. The task now is to implement the results across the university, adapt them to specific faculty needs and develop them further. To further ensure quality standards, transparency and strategic relevance guidelines for professorial appointment procedures are going to be updated and developed. In addition, an online portal is going to be set up and a training program for the appointment committee members is going to be implemented. Further information on the appointment processes at JGU can be found here (only available in German).

The appointment process is to be supported by an IT-based applicant-management tool. The implementation is in progress.

Currently JGU is planning a strategy for the active recruitment of international, excellent researchers especially advanced postdocs and group leaders. This will bring Young Talents to JGU.


To attract the best minds to the JGU, the staff selection must therefore be convincing in terms of quality and professionalism. For years, Human Resources Development has been supporting executive staff and teams in recruiting staff with advice, handouts and guidelines, among other things. These existing guidelines as to their validity for researcher recruitment, in view of legal changes were reviewed. Subsequently the existing guidelines were updated and specified to ensure better alignment of recommendations with the needs of researchers. A fully open, transparent and merit-based recruitment process at all levels of recruitment and management underpins the new Staff Recruitment Guidelines.

In its efforts to create transparent and uncomplicated procedures for applicants, JGU has switched the application process to digital applications with an application management system. The fully implemented tool can be found here.

Working Conditions and Social Security

Current Implementation Measures

Good employment conditions are an important goal in order to be attractive as an employer for applicants and employees. Therefore, the JGU focuses on working conditions and development opportunities. The strategy paper “Rules for Good Employment at JGU” (only available in German) dated rom 2015 will be revised and updated.

A written survey among postdocs at JGU is intended to contribute to the further improvement of the research and working conditions of young scientists. Their responses on their work situation, career goals, and professional needs provide a reliable basis for shaping the framework conditions at JGU and developing support measures tailored to the target group.

JGU continuously reaudits the diversity and equality strategies.

JGU has established a range of gender and diversity consulting services. In particular, support services for equal opportunity measures in large collaborative research projects are currently in a pilot stage. The aim is to increase proportion of women in research areas in which they are underrepresented, and to promote diversity and family-friendliness in all third-party funded projects. Further information on research funding can be found here.

New Equal opportunities standards for scholarships and scientific awards will help foster diversity and equal opportunities in application/selection procedures and conditions of scholarships and prizes awarded by JGU

To simplify the onboarding process, especially for international scientists, the portal "New Employees" was developed. Future employees of JGU can find information about their stay and its preparation there in advance. In addition the existing Welcome Center, which is the central service and advice center for international academics and their families, was expanded.


JGU adopted a Strategy paper “Rules for Good Employment at JGU” which can be found here (only available in German).

During the annual reviews (some information is only available in German), employees can discuss their individual needs, e.g. fixed-term contract conditions for young researchers, with their supervisor. These reviews are part of the leadership development.

In the diversity audit "Vielfalt Gestalten", the focus was on the application of the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities in all areas and at all levels of JGU. The JGU diversity strategy was also expanded as part of this action.

JGU continuously improves overarching and structural measures to promote equal opportunities. For this, it was granted the Total E-Quality award (only available in German).

In the interest of increasing the attractivity of JGU for top researchers with family responsibilities and to increase the share of researchers recruited from abroad, dual career services have been established.

Health and Well-beeing for JGU employees is important. In order to develop overriding strategy for health management at JGU a “Reintegration to work after prolonged absence Program has already been implemented. Furthermore, the website (only available in German) with information about healthy working conditions at JGU is relaunched.

Professional Development and Training

Current Implementation Measures

JGU is currently installing a regulatory framework for all its doctoral regulations, which will introduce transparent quality assurance for doctoral training at JGU.

To improve the quality of supervision of doctoral students at JGU, the Gutenberg Graduate School of the Humanities and Social Sciences (GSHS) and the Gutenberg Council for Young Researchers (GYR) are together devising tools to support supervisors of doctoral students. The plan is to enhance supervision skills through establishing formats for collegial exchange.

JGU has several structured doctoral training programs. The integrated funding and support programmes of the GSHS are specifically tailored to the needs of young scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Support is provided to achieve targeted qualifications and additional skills are taught to take on responsibility in academia, business and society. In addition, there is a broadening of social, cultural and academic horizons through the promotion of interdisciplinary debate and methodological reflection. Another offer in support of young scientists is the "General Postgraduate Program" (GPP). The aim of the GPP is to promote research and science related skills, and to develop central key qualifications.

JGU is part of the European University Alliance FORTHEM with partner universities in nine European countries. On the basis of this Alliance and other networks, JGU plans to improve the international experience of its researchers based on both physical and virtual exchange. An important aim is to lower administrative barriers, e. g. by creating joint open science portals and establishing new digital tools. These efforts focus on improving options for young researchers and will help achieve one goal of JGU’s internationalization strategy: the continuous internationalization of research.

The tenure-track professorship is an alternative for young scientists that combines early scientific independence with a high degree of transparency and predictability of the scientific career. Since 2015, at least 50% of temporary professorships have been filled with tenure-track. In the medium term, a growing proportion of the lifetime professorships that become vacant are to be advertised as tenure-track positions. The workshop series "Prof(essionell) Führen an der JGU für (Junior-)Professorinnen und Nachwuchsgruppenleitungen" (only available in German) serves the systematic and targeted development of this group into a leadership role. Furthermore, JGU's Human Resources Development offers professional advice on the various development opportunities, accompanies tenure-track professors during the tenure-track phase, and supports individual career planning and networking with other professors.


In 2020, JGU established the Gutenberg Graduate School of the Humanities and Social Sciences (GSHS), which is committed to the sustainable promotion and support of young researchers in the humanities and social sciences, including law and economics. GSHS services are geared to the needs of the respective faculty cultures, and help doctoral students acquire qualifications for their later professional lives, either within or beyond academia. It enables informal exchange and networking both between young researchers and between supervisors and helps ensure high quality of theses and supervision alike.

Guidelines for the supervision of doctoral students have been developed. In addition, a template for a supervision agreement was designed. All guidelines and templates can be found at the Website of the Gutenberg Council for Young Researchers (some content is only available in German).

In order to increase awareness for entrepreneurship within JGU, the new Startup Center supports startup activities of students and researchers. Upcoming events can be found on their website.

JGU participated in the pilot project Young Entrepreneurs in Science (only available in German) and obtained the Young Entrepreneurs in Science Campus certificate (only available in German) by the Falling Walls Foundation. Thereby JGU broaden their portfolio of transferable skills for young researchers.

The network Campus Mainz Mentoring+ (only available in German) provides an overview of the various mentoring groups at JGU and reflects the steady expansion of mentoring programs for faculties and research groups. Thus, the internal and external visibility of mentoring programs is increased.

To empower the next generation of women scientists, existing programs on mentoring for young (female) researchers in sciences have been monitored, continuously improved and implemented according to their specific timelines. For example, the Young Female Researchers Program (ProWeWin) is aimed at young female researchers who are in the late phase of their doctorate or postdocs. As a part of this program the tried and tested Christine de Pizan mentoring offer is open to young female researchers from the humanities and social sciences in the last phase of their doctorate. Female researcher in the medical sciences can participate in the Medicine Mentoring Program at Mainz University Medical Center (MeMentUM) (only available in German), formerly the Edith Heischkel Program.

Strategic career planning is important cause there is no standard recipe for a successful career. In the phase of academic qualification, there is often uncertainty as to how the further career should and can be planned. The career services for postdocs support young postdocs on their career paths.

Leadership is one of the key factors in ensuring that people in an organization as diverse as JGU can work together successfully. In order to raise awareness of leadership responsibilities among senior researchers and to improve the mentoring and career development of junior researchers, leadership plays a major role at JGU. So, a development program for researchers with executive functions took place (only available in German).